Due Diligence
Real Estate Due Diligence
Due Diligence of Real Estate Property and Possessory Rights​

Pinzón, Hidalgo & Bárcenas has carried out, participated and coordinated, since its foundation, in multiple processes of sale of real estate, possessory rights and purchase and sale of companies or businesses in operation; for which it has developed a careful process of due diligence.
It is a comprehensive and specific investigation service of the legal, cadastral, fiscal and physical (in the field), of the real estate properties, including possessory rights, concessions granted and in process; and, the titling processes in general.
Real estate research in urban, rural, and special regime areas, such as the Casco Viejo of Panama City.
Legal history - registration of farms and horizontal property.
Verification of cadastral value and official certifications.
Verification of registered values ​​and statements of account before the General Directorate of Income of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Coordination and physical inspection of properties and possessory rights.
Verification and feasibility studies of the purchase or sale of possessory rights.
Coordination of processes of revaluation or updating of cadastral values.
Review of titling processes, purchase or administrative concessions before national and local authorities.
Preparation of documentation for administrative formalities of titling and concessions.
Processing of Titling and Concessions procedures in rural, urban, municipal and adjacent areas to beaches.
Study and preparation of documentation for judicial processes of acquisitive prescription of domain, delineations and demarcations, measures and boundaries and processes of land in general.