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Our People

"The representation and advice to our clients is guaranteed by the knowledge, experience and vocation of service of each one of our members".

Adalberto Pinzón

Practice areas

Real Estate Law
Corporate Law
Tax Law
Corporate Due Diligence and
Real Estate Due Diligence
Arbitration and Litiigation
Juan David Bárcenas del Cid
  • Juan David Bárcenas


Juan David directs the purchase and sale operations, advises to promoters for urban developments, and advises in the constitution of companies for investment and for owners of assets, consultancies for protection of assets; and, consultancy on tax aspects, linked to companies or real estate or special regimes such as hotel and forestry. It also represents clients in civil litigation and arbitration.

He was able to exercise the right in 1999 and joined the firm as a lawyer in 2007 and has been a partner since 2012. 


Previously, he worked in both the private and public sectors. He was legal advisor to the Primer Banco de Ahorros, later converted into Primer Banco del Istmo. From 2001 to 2004 he served in the public sector as legal adviser to the Minister of Economy and Finance, assigned to the area of ​​the Games Control Board, in charge of the process of granting casino licenses and gambling halls. 


He drafted the first regulation of casinos online or via internet; he served as legal advisor to the Minister of Public Works, particularly in the area of ​​freeways in concession, in the execution of the Second Bridge project on the Panama Canal and to carry out the agenda of the Cabinet Council of the Minister. He was a member of the team of lawyers who represented the Panamanian State in the arbitration presented by ICA Panama, regarding the construction of the South Corridor.




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